Tuesday, March 12, 2019

What are the causes of obesity in children?

Doctors don't get tired of repeating that obesity is a real war, where there is only one enemy, but at the same time countless victims. This problem of modernity is aggravated by the fact that children are on the “battlefield”.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Why children are more likely to suffer from obesity in single mothers?

The problem of childhood obesity in the United States is very acute. Every fifth child is overweight. Therefore, experts spend a lot of time on this problem, searching for the causes of obesity in children and ways to prevent them. As the last study showed, that a child grows in a full family plays a significant role in this issue.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Some obesity facts and statistics

Today, overweight problems spread all over the world. Unfortunately, this disease is getting younger. Many people suffer from obesity at an early age. I decided to provide some interesting facts about this serious problem of humanity and attach thematic video for this. I'm sure, that the presented material will be useful for you. 

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Obesity provokes a brain reduction

Scientists from Loughborough University have come to unexpected conclusions. Experts found out that extra centimeters at the waist and hips lead to a premature reduction of gray matter. The researchers conducted an experiment.

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Obesity: Diagnosis and Treatment

Obesity is the appearance of excess fat deposits in organs and tissues. This disorder manifests in the form of weight's increase a person by 20% or more from the average index. Disorder related with growth of volume adipose tissue.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Obesity: Classification, Symptoms and Causes

Obesity is a chronic metabolism disease. It's accompanied by excessive formation of adipose tissue in the body. At the heart of the disease lies energy imbalance, in which amount of incoming energy exceeds energy demands of organism.